Some Santa Fe Railroad short lines in the 1880's...
"In 1884 there were short railroad lines that went from San Antonio
to the coal mines at Carthage. Father Peter Joseph Pelzer was the priest
serving that part of the valley near Socorro, New Mexico, with his regular
church at Socorro. Father Pelzer made his missionary visits to all the small
parishes nearby, including San Marcial, Magdalena, Kelly, Chloride, and
the little coal town of Carthage.
"There were mines at Magdalena, Kelly and San Antonio and coal mines in
Carthage. Sometimes the railway men carried Mexican nationals who had
hired out to work the mines. When new houses were built for those who hired
out, these were equipped with modern plumbing, complete with bath tubs.
The new arrivals stored wood and coal in the tubs to keep them from
theft. The railroad company hastened to put up wood sheds after that."
From "The Horny Toad Line" by Patricia O'Neal, Burroughs, 1935.