
Hachita, Grant County, New Mexico began as a settlement of miners digging in the Little Hachet Mountains. These mountains were long known for deposits of turquoise until, in 1877, A. H. Butterfield made a strike showing lead, copper and silver. As others staked claims around his, the Eureka Mining District grew.

By 1882 Eureka's population was up to 300. The Hachita post office was established but by 1898 the mines had played out, the people were mostly gone, and the post office was closed.

In 1899 tracks were laid about 9 miles east of Eureka in the flat and open Hachita Valley to carry ore from Douglas to El Paso. Most everyone still living at Old Hachita moved to the railroad junction bringing the name Hachita with them. So present-day Hachita was born.