And after the massacre, again from the Silver City Enterprise in 1883

13 April 1883 -- One thousand dollars reward has been offered for the return of little Charlie McComas, recently captured by Indians in this county, at the time of the killing of Judge and Mrs. McComas. Letters, descriptive (sic) of the boy, together with his photograph have been sent to different

11 May 1883 -- Apaches in Mexico. The chief of the scouts, Mr. Sage, states that two Chiricahua Apaches have arrived from Mexico, and he had a long talk with them. They stated that Charlie McComas still lives, is well and in the care of Chief Bonita. They saw the boy eleven days ago, and say that he is made a pet amongst all the Indians and goes by the name of Charlie among them. They say if the troops do not surprise the camp Charlie will be brought in alive. Sage states further, that from what he can find out through them the Indians are going to try to make peace, and will use Charlie McComas as a means to be allowed to come in.