Picacho Mountain (or Peak)
Picacho Mountain is west of Las Cruces. If you stand at the Albertson Grocery
Store parking lot facing north, then the Organ Mountains will be to your
right (easterly) and Picacho Mountain will be to your left (northwesterly),
across the railroad tracks and the Rio Grande.
Because "Picacho" in Spanish means a "peak or pointed summit", so
"Picacho Mountain" is a Spanish-English double generic, like "Rio River"
or "Laguna Lake" would be.
Picacho Mountain is 3 miles northwest of Las Cruces. Its cone-shaped
peak is at 4,959 feet. It looks down upon thousands of acres of fertile
valley land--much under irrigation from the Rio Grande and planted in
cotton, onions, chili, and thousands of pecan trees, among other crops.